Anyrail software review
Anyrail software review

anyrail software review

It’s totally free and available on the opensource site SourceForge. XtrkCAD has one big advantage over the other software reviewed here. Other features of individual packages also include scenic items which can be visualized and moved around when displaying the layout. In fact, most packages that have been developed and improved over the past ten years have an almost bewildering array of options and features, the exploration of which could almost be a hobby in itself! The basic feature set of all the below includes a set of sectional and flexible track libraries, copy and paste sections of track plan, zoom in and out viewing, and automatic joining of track sections.

anyrail software review

Track planning software is not new, by any means. Well, maybe not completely gone, but certainly high on the list of candidates for extinction! Today, the absence of a computer in a household is a rarity, and many hobbyists can even count on having one completely dedicated to their use.

anyrail software review

In fact, it’s not even your grandfather’s pencil and ruler! Gone are the days of spiral bound notebooks filled with sketches of layouts, painstakingly drawn with pre-80’s graphic technology (pen, ruler, French curve, turnout templates, etc.).

Anyrail software review